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Rhodes island (Rodos), GREECE



Chamber of Commerce & Industry of the Dodecanese (CCID), Rodos-Supporter

G. Lambraki 8,

(very close to the Main Gate of the Castle of the Knights,, tel +30 22410 44200)

THE FINANCE SYMPOSIUM FΣy, adresses novel solutions to cutting-edge problems of the new trends in the Financial Theory as it is developed by the Academics, fused to the research and industry-built pragmatic experience of the Practitioners internationally. We welcome the work of top-level researchers.

 Submission Deadline: May 20, 2025

 Decision Notification: June 1, 2025

 Registration Deadline: June 15, 2025


COVID 19 Precautions

Masks are withdrawn, suggested for gatherings, compulsory should be the World Health Organization instructions.

On-line participation only, is now availlable for limited possitions


On-site participans, we would recommend to have:

  1. Mask or Double face-masks: a) syrgical + b) cotton masks

  2. Glasses

  3. Distances

  4. Decontamination

2173_Dome Indoor Pool - Event - Rodos Palace Hotel
2173_Dome Indoor Pool - Wedding- Rodos Palace Hotel
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2025: -TBA



              Plenary Speakers





John Geanakoplos

James Tobin Professor of Economics


External Professor

            Santa Fe Institute            



Rossen Valkanov 
Associate Dean
Professor of Finance
Rady School of Management
Journal of Empirical Finance

C mateus Importeret+foto.webp

Cesario Mateus 
Business School

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Oded Stark
Distinguished Fellow
Center for Development Research
Distinguished Professor



Kenneth R. French  
Roth Family Distinguished Professor of Finance
Tuck School of Business


George Constantinides 
Leo Melamed Professor of Finance

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Franklin Allen
                                      IMPERIAL COLLEGE                                     
                 Vice Dean                   

Executive Director of Brevan Howard Centre

          Past Plenary Speakers





                                                                 Alessio Castello

                                                 International University of Monaco

                                                                Nuno Fernandes

          University of Navarra, IESE, Portuguese Central Bank & European Investment Bank                                                                       Roni Michaely

Hong Kong University, European Corporate Finance Institute & HKU-TLV Innovation Hub

                                                                    Julia Milner
         EDHEC Business Sc
hool & Sydney Business School University of Wollongong
                                                          Dimitris Papadimitriou  
                                         King's College London King's Business School 

                                                            George Athanassakos 

                                                              Western University
                                                                Cesario Mateus                                                                                                                                  Aalborg University

              PAST FΣy

                                      - THE FINANCE SYMPOSIUM 2024 -

                                                         RODOS, GREECE               

                                                           24-27 JULY 2024


                                      - THE FINANCE SYMPOSIUM 2023 -

                                                         RODOS, GREECE               

                                                           15-17 JULY 2023

                                       - THE FINANCE SYMPOSIUM 2022 -

                                                CHANIA, CRETE, GREECE               

                                                          29-31 JULY 2022

                                        - THE FINANCE SYMPOSIUM 2021 -

                                                CHANIA, CRETE, GREECE               

                                                         27-29 AUGUST 2021


Call for Papers

We invite you to submit your research to the International peer-reviewed Finance Symposium, which will take place on 3-6, July , 2025 in Rodos, GREECE.

The Finance Symposium FΣy strongly supports the excellence in Financial Science between Academia and Practitioners. Novel perspectives of research, lecturing, and trade floor practitioners are expected in a robust audience with a variety of Special Sessions in the domains of Finance.

Topics: Finance, Banking

Paper Format: All papers must be in Times New Roman 12-point font, 1.5 spaced, references single-spaced, numbered pages of the paper, maximum length up to 30 pages.


Papers must be submitted in 2 versions


I) the FULL with all the details of the authors,

II) the ANONYMOUS without their authors and affiliations

Peer Reviewed process: All the papers will be reviewed by 2 at least peer-reviewers.

Please submit your paper(s) by clicking to the following link

SUBMISSION link of Papers


Submission Deadline: May 20, 2025

 Decision Notification: June 1, 2025

 Registration Deadline: June 15, 2025



     July 3-6. 2025




The Quality Evaluation was done by the independent and international participants. The 50% of the participants answerd and the results are demonstrated on the following figure. The 2022 results averaged at a score of 9 overall and are demonstrated analytically in the lower part of the site, as answered by the 20% of participants.

Evaluation of Quality - FΣυ2021-1of3_edited.jpg
Evaluation of Quality - FΣυ2021-2of3_edited.jpg
Evaluation of Quality - FΣυ2021-3of3_edited.jpg

Scientific Committee: (in progress)

  • Ahluwalia Saurabh, University of New Mexico

  • Al-kayed Lama, Prince Sultan University

  • Allen Franklin, Imperial College

  • Bams Dennis, University of Maastricht

  • Berrada Tony, University of Geneva & Swiss Finance Institute

  • Buehler Cyrill, University of Basel

  • Cai Guilong, Sun Yat-sen University

  • Calice Giovanni, University of Loughborough

  • Chalamandaris George, Athens University of Economics and Business

  • Chen Yixin, University of Rochester

  • Cortes Gustavo, University of Florida 

  • Constantinides George, University of Chicago

  • Della Cortes Pasqualle, Imperial College London & Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR)

  • Dong Bin, Maastricht University

  • Dong Yizhe, University of Edinburgh

  • BI Norwegian Business School

  • Eijffinger Sylvester, Tilburg University (Professor Emeritus)

  • Eleftheriadis Iordanis, University of Macedonia

  • Erten Irem, University of Warwick 

  • Faour Mohamad, University College Dublin

  • Feldman David, University of New South Wales

  • French R. Kenneth, Dartmouth College

  • Fontanier Paul, University of Harvard 

  • Gao Can, Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, Frankfurt

  • Gleason Kimberley, American University of Sharjah

  • Golan Robert, DB Mind & IEEE  Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr) Technologies 

  • Hatemi J., Abdulnaser, UAE University

  • Hao F., University of Edinburgh

  • Imbet Juan, University Paris-Dauphine

  • Kräussl Roman, University of Luxembourg & Stanford University

  • Lambertini Luisa, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

  • Leledakis George, Athens University of Economics and Business

  • Levy Moshe, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

  • Li Xiongshi, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics

  • Liang Shushu, University of Harvard

  • Liesen Dietmar, Gutenberg University of Mainz

  • Lithell Markus, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

  • Lof Matthis, Aalto University

  • Loukeris Nikolaos, Princeton University, University of West Attica, Athens University of Economics and Business & Hellenic Open University

  • Mateus Cesario, Aalborg University

  • Ming-Tsung Lin, University of Essex

  • Mazzola Francesco, Erasmus University

  • Montone Maurizio, Utrecht University

  • Nguyen Duc Khuong, IPAG Business School & Indiana University

  • Nguyen Huyen, IWH - University of Jena

  • Nowak Eric, Universita della Svizzera italiana & Swiss Finance Institute (SFI)

  • Ortiz Marcelo, University Pompeu Fabra

  • Pagel Michaela, Columbia University

  • Papadimitriou Dimitris, King's College London

  • Passari Evgenia, Université Paris Dauphine - PSL & CEPR

  • Perotti Pietro, University of Bath  

  • Pegoraro Stefano, University of Notre Dame 

  • Philippas Nikolaos, University of Piraeus 

  • Polimenis Vassilis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Renström Thomas Ivar, University of Piza

  • Qu Chengcheng, Stockholm University

  • Serfes Konstantinos, University of Drexel

  • Sheikhbahaei Ali Sheikhbahaei, University of Monash

  • Sihvonen Markus, Bank of Finland

  • Śledziewska Katarzyna, University of Warsaw

  • Soebhag Amar, Tinbergen Institute & Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • Song Xiangpeng, University of Edinburgh

  • Stark Oded, University of Warsaw, University of Tübingen, Georgetown University & University of Bonn

  • Toukalas Harry, University of Swinburne

  • Tsoligkas Fanis, University of Bath

  • Valkanov Rossen, University of California San Diego, Editor: Journal of Empirical Finance

  • Verdickt Gertjan, Leuven K University 

  • Verwijmeren Patrick, Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • Wilson Mung, University of Oxford 

  • Wolf Christian, University of Luxenburg

  • Wu Liuren, City University, New York 

  • Wu Yu, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

  • Ye Mao, University of Illinois NBER

  • Zenios Stavros, University of Cyprus, Bruegel Brussels, and Financial Institutions Center-The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

  • Zhang Ting, University of Dayton, Associate EditorInternational Review of Economics and FinanceAssociate EditorEmerging Markets Finance and TradeAssociate EditorJournal of Global Information Management

  • Zhou Xinyao, York University, Toronto

Program Committee: (in progress)

  • Eijffinger Sylvester, Tilburg University (Professor Emeritus)

  • Eleftheriadis Iordanis, University of Macedonia

  • Golan Robert, DB Mind & IEEE  Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering and Economics (CIFEr) Technologies 

  • Loukeris Nikolaos, University of West Attica & Athens University of Economics and Business

  • Nguyen Duc Khuong, IPAG Business School & Indiana University

  • Polimenis Vassilis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

  • Wolf Christian, University of Luxenburg

Call for Special Sessions

Distinguished Finaciers of the Academia and the Industry are welcome to organize their Special Session in any domain of Finance and Banking.



Topics: Finance, Banking

Submission Deadline: May 20, 2025

Decision Notification: June 1, 2025

Registration Deadline: June 15, 2025


Selected peer-reviewed papers will be published in the proceedings.


A Book of Abstracts will be published on line.


The Book of Full Proceedings will be given in electronic form with the conference matterials. Also hard copies are availlable but, this preference needs to be declared by the participants.


The Finance Symposium FΣy, July 3-6, 2025 in Rodos, GREECE

A leading peer-reviewed International Symposium

 Submission Deadline: May 20, 2025

Decision Notification: June 1, 2025

Registration Deadline: June 15, 2025

Best Paper Award

        The best paper according to the Reviewers marks will receive the Award:           only for an Olympic Champion,

      the Olive Wreath.

The 2021 Best Paper Award is nominated to the paper:

       W., Han-University of Bath, UK, 

       D., Newton-University of Bath, UK,

       E., Platanakis-University of Bath, UK, 

       C., Sutcli-ICMA Centre, University of Reading, UK

       X., Ye-University of Liverpool, UK

The 2022 Best Paper Award is nominated to the paper:

  • The Double-Edged Sword of the 2020 European Short-Selling Bans

        P., della Corte-Imperial College London & CEPR. UK

        R., Kosowski-Imperial College London & CEPR, UK

        D., Papadimitriou-King’s College London, UK

        N., P. Rapanos-Imperial College London, UK

The 2023 Best Paper Award is nominated to the paper:

  • Algorithmic Stablecoins within Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO): How can Artificial Intelligence help achieving Stability?

A., Castello-International University of Monaco, Monaco

G., Gadzinski-International University of Monaco, Monaco

The 2024 Best Paper Award is nominated to the paper:

  • Producing AI Innovation and Its Value Implications
    A., Ahmadi-York University, Canada
    A., Kecskés-York University, Canada
    R., Michaely-Hong Kong University, Hong Kong
    P.,-A., Nguyen-York University, Canada

which got the highest marks overall by numerous independent international reviewers. Congratulations cordially!

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Reputation of Proceedings

Research and Articles

THE FINANCE SYMPOSIUM FΣy, is processed to be indexed by SCOPUS (under review) , WEB of Science, ISI, IEEE. 

FΣy is committed to produce a high standard of published work. We have a number of upcoming articles selected for top scholarly journals currently in peer review.



440€ Academicians & Practitioners (with Banquet)

390€ Academicians & Practitioners (without Banquet)

410€ Students (with Banquet)

370€, Students (without Banquet)

240€ Attendees (without papers & without Banquet)

190€ Students (without papers & without Banquet)

ON-LINE (limited possitions)

340€ Academicians & Practitioners (On-Line Only)

240€ Attendees (On-line only, without papers)

190€ Students (On-line only)

Registration is for 1 paper per author.

Additional papers per author, after the 1st, are registered at 250€ each.

Important Notice for Students:

Official Evidence of Student Status is compulsory to receive the Special Discount, please email it to the conference (see contacts at the end)

Registration Deadline: June 15, 2025

The Finance Symposium 2025

July 3, 2025   20:30 - till late

Welcome Reception

Mediterranean Hotel Rodos *****

 Seaside-Sunset Restaurant 

July 4, 2025   10:00 - 12:30

Chamber of Commerce & Industry (CCID), Rodos,  Lambraki 8

Symposium 1


Welcome speach​ 10:00

Special Session 1: Investments, Sustainability & Philosophy   10:15-12:30

 Chair: TBA University


  Symposiast of Critique: 



Symposiasts of Critique: 



Symposiast of Critique: 

Coffee Break 12:30-13:00

Special Session 2: ESG in Finance   13:00-15:30

 Chair:  TBA-University, ,


Symposiast of Critique:

  • Producing AI Innovation and Its Value Implications

   A. Ahmadi-York University, Canada,

   A. Keskes-York University, Canada,

   R. Michaely-University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and

   P. Nguyen-York University, Canada

Symposiast of Critique: K., Bakalopoulos-University of Athens, Greece

Coffee Break 15:30-16:00



Booms and Busts: It's Lenders not the Investors,   17:00-18:00  (on-line )

Banquet   20:00-late

The Symposium Banquet will take place at the venues of the Drosoulites Restaurant in Rodos, with high quality greek gastronomy, and music

July 5, 2025

Symposium 2


Special Session 3: Investments   10:00-12:30   (on-line )

  •  (on-line )

    T., Berrada-University of Geneva, Switzerland

    G., Ugazio-University of Geneva, Switzerland

    P., Bossaerts-University of Cambridge, UK

Symposiast of Critique: TBA

  • (on-line )

   B,, Dai-University of Oxford, UK

   P., Savor-DePaul University, USA

   M., Wilson-University of Oxford, UK

Symposiast of Critique: TBA

  •  (on-line )

   M., Wilson-University of Oxford, UK

   B,, Dai-University of Oxford, UK

Symposiast of Critique: TBA

Excursion proposal (extra): 

i) Palace of the Grand Magister in Rodos

ii) Kalithea Springs, Rodos

July 11, 2025

Accepted Papers 
2023 (TBA):

  • What Drives Stock Prices in a Bubble?

       W. Chen-Shanghai Stock Exchange, China

       S. Liang-Harvard University, USA

       D. Shi-Shanghai Stock Exchange, China

  • Algorithmic Stablecoins within Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO): How can Artificial Intelligence help achieving Stability?

        A. Castello-International University of Monaco, Monaco​

       G. Gadzinski-International University of Monaco, Monaco

  • Pricing media sentiment: Evidence from global mergers and acquisitions 

       S. Shams-University of Southern Queensland, Australia

       S. Bose-University of Newcastle, Sydney, Australia

       A. Sheikhbahaei-Monash University, Australia
       T. Hussain-University of Minho, Portugal

  • Portfolio Optimization with Relative Tail Risk

        Y. Shin Kim-Stony Brook University, USA

  • Political uncertainty and institutional herding II

       K., Gavriilidis-University of Stirling, UK

       V., Kallinterakis-University of Liverpool, UK

       M., Montone-Utrecht University, Netherlands

  • The Historical Serfdom Exposure and Firms’ Access to Finance

        X. Song-University of Edinburgh

       W. Hou-University of Edinburgh

       T. Wang-University of Edinburgh

  • Integrated Intermediaries, Fintech Lenders, and Mortgage Refinancing∗

        G. Buchak-University of Stanford, USA

        V. Chau-Swiss Finance Institute & Geneva Finance Research Institute, Switzerland

        A.Jørring-Boston College, USA





  • The Double-Edged Sword of the 2020 European Short-Selling Bans

        P., della Corte-Imperial College London & CEPR. UK

        R., Kosowski-Imperial College London & CEPR, UK

        D., Papadimitriou-King’s College London, UK

        N., P. Rapanos-Imperial College London, UK

  •  Borrower ESG risks and ESG disclosure and Cost of Loan

        Y. Cao-University of Edinburgh, UK

        Y. Dong-University of Edinburgh, UK

        Y. Liu-University of Edinburgh, UK

  • Examining Value Relevance of Cash Flows: Evidence from GCC Banks

        H., Abou El Sood-Zayed University, United Arab Emirates, UAE

  • The efficiency of FDIC-identified community banks

        A., Petropoulou-SOAS University of London, UK

        V., Pappas-University of Kent, UK

        S., Ongena-University of Zurich, Switzerland

        D., Gounopoulos-University of Bath, UK

        R., Fairchild-University of Bath, UK

  • The shadow disintermediation and cost of risk-sensitive capital,

       I., Erten-University of Warwick, UK

  • Bank Heterogeneity and Mortgage Supply under Negative Policy Rates

        L., Lambertini-Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

        Y., Wu-Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland

  •  Kinship and Financial development

        M., Li-University of Edinburgh, UK

        W., Hou-University of Edinburgh, UK

        W. Leung-University of Edinburgh, UK

  • Political uncertainty and institutional herding,

       K., Gavriilidis-University of Stirling, UK

       V., Kallinterakis-University of Liverpool, UK

       M., Montone-Utrecht University, Netherlands

  • Optimal Policy for Behavioral Financial Crises,

       P., Fontanier-Harvard University, USA 

  • Non-Standard Errors in Asset Pricing: Mind Your Sorts

       A.​ Soenbhag-Erasmus School of Economics & Robeco Quantitative Investing, Netherlands

       B. van Vliet-Erasmus School of Economics & Robeco Quantitative Investing, Netherlands

       P. Verwijmeren-Erasmus School of Economics, Netherlands & University of Melbourne,         


  • Gender effect and Power in the capital structure of firms

       M., Thijssen-University of Stavanger, Norway
       X., Huang-University of Twente, Netherlands
       R., Kabir-University of Twente, Netherlands

  • Facilitators and impediments to resilience in early career accountants

       Kathryn von Treuer-Executive Director, Cairnmillar Institute Hawthorn East, Victoria, Australia &

                           School of Medicine, Deakin University Geelong, Victoria, Australia

      Julia Milner-EDHEC Business School, Nice, France 

  •  A Flow Model of Exchange Market Pressure and Evidence from Three Emerging Asian Economies E., Deffenu-Loughborough University, UK

       E., Pentecost-Loughborough University, UK

       C., Spencer-Loughborough University, UK

  • Mutual Fund Selection and the Investment Horizon       

        M., Levi-Hebrew University, Israel

  • Modular networks and Generalized Feed Forward networks with hybrids in Portfolio Optimisation

       N., Loukeris-University of West Attica & AUEB, Greece


  • …, and the diminishing scientific impact of new research in finance,                                                      Z. Zantout, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates                                                          K. Gleason, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates                                                          A. Systla, UCLA, USA

  • A Factor Model of Company Valuation,                                                                                                                  X. Hu, RMIT University, Australia                                                                                                                              M. Sy, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, USA                                                                                            L. Wu, The City University of New York, USA 

  • A Case Study of Stock Returns Volatility Estimation Using Unscented  Kalman Filter  (A)

           N. R. de Oliveira Magalhães, FEEC/UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil

          J. B. Ribeiro do Val, FEEC/UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil

          V. B. Frencl, DAELT/UTFPR, Curitiba, Brazil

          M. R. Fernandes, FEEC/UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil

  • Analyzing Project Feasibility Through Financial Mathematics,                                                                     R. D. Keysser, Saint Mary’s University, USA

  • Banker Directors on Board and Corporate Tax Avoidance

         W. Ding, Cardiff University, UK

          I. Hasan, Fordham University, UK

         Q. Song, De Montfort University, UK

         Q. Wang, Cardiff University, UK

  • Bonds, Currencies and Expectational Errors                                                                                                       E. Granziera, Bank of Finland, Finland                                                                                                              M. Sihvonen, Norges Bank, Norway

  • Capital Returns after a Terms of Trade Shock,                                                                                                C. Bühler - University of Basel, Switzerland

  • Cryptocurrency Factor Portfolios: Performance, Decomposition and Pricing Models

       W. Han, University of Bath, UK

       D. Newton, University of Bath, UK

       E. Platanakis, University of Bath, UK

       C. Sutcli, ICMA Centre, Unioversity of Reading, UK

       X. Ye, University of Liverpool, UK

  • Cybersecurity Risk,                                                                                                                                                   C. Florackis, University of Liverpool, UK                                                                                                           C. Louca, Cyprus University of Technology, Cyprus                                                                                     R. Michaely, University of Geneva, Switzerland                                                                                             M. Weber University of Chicago Booth and NBER, USA

  • Dark Pools and Price Discovery in Limit Order Markets                                                                            V. Levin, University of Luxenburg, Luxenburg

  • Does Family Matter?Venture Capital Cross-Fund Cash Flows

         R. Kräussl, University of Luxembourg & Stanford University, USA                                                                     K. Rinne, University of Luxembourg & Mandatum Life Fund Management, Luxenburg

         H. Sunc, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxenburg

  • Does Social Interaction Spread Fear among Institutional Investors? Evidence from COVID-19

         S. Au, University of Manitoba, Canada

         M. Dong, York University, Canada

         X. Zhou, York University, Canada

  •  ​Does Saving Cause Borrowing?                                                                                                                           P. C. Medina, Texas A&M University, USA                                                                                                         M. Pagel, Columbia University GSB, NBER, and CEPR, USA

  • Do Stock Prices co-move with Fundamental Values?

        N. Alshamma, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

  • Due Diligence and Strategic Behavior

         R. Bhattacharyay, Southern Methodist University, USA

         M. R. Gupta, Washington University in St. Louis, USA

  • Effect of Financial and Institutional Ecosystems on Startup Mergers and Acquisitions                     S. Ahluwalia University of New Mexico, USA                                                                                                   S. Kassicieh, University of New Mexico, USA

  • Entropy effect of Fractal Dynamics in Markets with Self Organized Features Maps MLP and Recurrent family Hybrids and Neural, Hybrids classifiers,

        N. Loukeris, University of West Attica & Athens University of Business and Economics, Greece

        I. Eleftheriadis, University of Macedonia, Greece

  • Famous Firms, Earnings Clusters, and the Stock Market                                                                                Y.  Chen, University of Rochester, USA                                                                                                             

        R. B. Cohen, Harvard University, USA                                                                                                                            Z. Wang, Harvard Business School at Harvard University & HAP Capital, USA

  • Fire-Sale Risk and Credit,                                                                                                                                          D. Bongaerts, Erasmus University, Netherlands                                                                                                F. Mazzola Erasmus University, Netherlands                                                                                                      W. Wagner, Erasmus University, Netherlands & CEPR

  • Firm Characteristics and Stock Price Levels: a Long-Term Discount Rate Perspective                       Y. Chen, University of Rochester, USA                                                                                                                R. Kaniel, University of Rochester, USA

  • Fund Flows and Performance Under Dynamic Unobservable Managing Ability

       D. Feldman, University of New South Wales, Australia

       J. Xu, Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) and Xiamen University, China

  • Heterogeneous CSR approaches                                                                                                                       D., Bams, Maastricht University & Open University, Netherlands                                                              B., van der Kroft,  Maastricht University & Open University, Netherlands                                           K. Maas, Open University & Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • Gender Quotas and Support for Women in Board Elections,                                                                    M. Gertsberg, Monash University, Australia                                                                                                          J. Mollerstrom, George Mason University, Canada and Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden                                                                                                                                      M. Pagel, Columbia University GSB, NBER, and CEPR, USA 

  • Information, Insider Trading, Executive Reload Stock Options, Incentives and Regulation

        D. B. Colwell, University of New South Wales, Australia

        D. Feldman,University of New South Wales, Australia

       W. Hu, Curtin University, Australia

  • Investing Like My Parents: Do Parents Affect Children's Risk Taking Behavior?                                   M. Cui, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland                                                                                                                       T. R. Price, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland                                                                                                             Z. Zhao, HEC Lausanne, Switzerland

  • Insurance as an Asset Class; A Proposed Methodology for Allocations to Insured Death Benefit (A)

       S. S. Barabanov, University of St. Thomas, USA

       R. G. Danielsen, Attorney, & CEO of Financial Logic LLC, Minneapolis, Minnesota. USA

  • Law of One Price Violation in Parent-Subsidiary Price Relations                                                                 A. Anderson, Middle Tennessee State University, USA                                                                                B. Jansen, Middle Tennessee State University, USA

  • Managing political risk in international portfolios

        G. Pagliardi, Norwegian Business School, Norway

        S. Lotfi, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

        E. Paparoditis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

        S. A. Zenios, Bruegel, Belgium, University of Cyprus, Cyprus, and Wharton Financial                   

         Institutions Center, University of Pennsylvania, USA

  • Market Efficiency. A Structural Study

        R., R. Bhattacharya, Southern Methodist University, USA

  • Merger-driven listing dynamics,                                                                                                                           B. Espen Eckbo, Dartmouth College, USA                                                                                                      M. Lithell, Norwegian School of Economics, Norway ​​ 

  • Minimal Dynamic Equilibria                                                                                                                                  D., Feldman, University of New South Wales, Australia                                                                                   D., Leisen, Gutenburg University of Mainz, Germany

  • One Global Village? Competition in the Iinternational Active Fund Management Industry

        D., Feldman, University of New South Wales, Australia

        K., Saxena, University of New South Wales, Australia

        J., Xu, Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) & Xiamen University, China

  • Price Ceilling Market Structure and Payout Policies                                                                                   M. Ye, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and NBER, USA                                                           M. Zheng, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA                                                                     X. Li, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, China

  • Processing of financial asset returns to neutralize bias in jump-detection statistics                       J. Chen, Cardiff University, UK                                                                                                                              S. Pierre, Cardiff University, UK                                                                                                                              J. Thompson, Cardiff University, UK

  • Production Network: Duality of Asset Pricing, And Systemic Risk                                                           A. Karimirad, University of Biritish Columbia, Canada

  • Reading the News: Telling Supply from Demand in Commodity Markets

        S., Mouabbi, Banque de France, France

        E., Passari, Université Paris-Dauphine, PSL and CEPR. DRM Finance, France

         A., Rousset Planat​, London Business School, UK

  • Refusing the Best Price?                                                                                                                                         S. Li, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA                                                                                   M. Ye, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, and NBER, USA                                                           M. Zheng, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

  • Risk Aversion with Nothing to Lose

        S., Pegoraro, University of Notre Dame, USA

  • Selecting Optimal Portfolio based on Customer Solvency in Generalized Feed Forward Networks and Support vector Machines Hybrids (A)

       N., Loukeris University of West Attica, Greece

       S., Livanis, University of Macedonia, Greece

  • The Anatomy of Holding Foreign Companies Accountable Act (HFCAA): A Panacea or A Double-Edge Sword?                                                                                                                                                               Q. Bu, University of Sussex, UK

  • The Great Divorce Between Investment and Profitability: Implications for Asset Pricing                  M., Kilic, University of Southern California, USA                                                                                          L., Yang, University of Southern California, USA                                                                                      M., B., Zhang, University of Southern California

  • The Effect of Stock Ownership on Individual Spending and Loyalty                                                       P. C. Medina, Texas A&M University, USA                                                                                                          V. Mittal Columbia University GSB, USA                                                                                                           M. Pagel, Columbia University GSB, NBER, and CEPR, USA

  • The real investment effects of algorithmic trading

        N., Aliyev,University of Technology Sydney, Australia

        F., Huseynov, North Dakota State University, USA

        K., Rzayev, Koç University, Turkey & University of Edinburgh, UK

  • The Tradeoff between Discrete Pricing and Discrete Quantities:Evidence from U.S.-listed Firms   S. Li, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and NBER, USA                                                             M. Ye, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

  • Who Tames the Lions? Evidence from Korean Chaebols                                                                            E. Choi, West Chester University, USA                                                                                                                 P. Iren, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                                                                        M. S. Kim, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                                                                      X. Li, Guangxi University of Finance and Economics, China 

  • Whose Attention Matters? Evidence from the Return Predictability between Economically Linked Firms

       X., Zhou, York University, Canada


2021 Book of Abstracts 



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I. Rodos, the island of Colossus, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, is the largest of the Dodecanese islands of Greece and is their historical capital, northeast of Crete, southeast of Athens. Rhodes is also known as "Island of the Sun" due to its patron sun god Helios, "The Pearl Island", and "The Island of the Knights", named after the Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem, who ruled the island from 1310 to 1522, Other ancient names were Ρόδη (Rodē), Τελχινίς (Telchinis) and Ηλιάς (Helias).  The Medieval Old Town of the City of Rhodes is a World Heritage Site, and one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe, inhabited in the Neolithic period.

During the 16th century BC, the Minoans came to Rhodes also named Telchinis. In Greek mythology a Rhodian race called the Telchines associated with Danaus. In the 15th century BCE, Mycenaean Greeks invaded. After the Bronze Age collapse, in Pindar's ode, the island was said to be born of the union of Helios the sun god and the nymph Rhodos, and the cities were named for their three sons. The Rhoda is a pink